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Eurasco Meeting: Towards Sustainability in Agricultural Events Organization
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Publication date: 26/10/2023

An interesting meeting

On September 27, 2023, Eurasco organized a virtual meeting that brought together over 25 members to discuss sustainability in the sector of organizing agricultural exhibitions, fairs, and shows in Europe. Two external speakers shared their expertise, creating an interactive atmosphere.

Caroline Godard, a specialist in agronomy and carbon at AAPLUS, highlighted the importance of making agricultural events more sustainable and presented ten key areas for intervention, including water efficiency, waste reduction, and raising awareness.

Beatriz Eastham, from Climeet and Green Event, shared measures aimed at making events more environmentally friendly, such as waste transformation into resources. She also introduced Climeet, a carbon calculator designed for event professionals.

Frédéric François, our Secretary General, illustrated sustainability efforts with the example of the 2023 Batibouw exhibition, emphasizing measures like using recyclable carpets to reduce the event's carbon footprint.

This meeting underscored the industry's commitment to sustainability and encouraged the exchange of ideas to achieve zero waste, reduced carbon emissions, and positive social impact objectives.

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